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Do you have a friend or a close one from family who often gets into reckless driving after having a few pegs of drink? Do you find it hard to keep that acquaintance away from drugs and stop him from causing accidents after influenced driving?
Well, these are not uncommon cases and if you delve deeper into those road accidents happening so regularly, you will find that most of them are the result of distracted driving, either from being engaged to other things while driving or from the hangover of drugs and alcohol.
We are here to help. We know that going out with your car on a busy road can be daunting for you after hearing about a road accident. We know that keeping your near and dear ones safe is your primary concern while you are heading to or returning from somewhere.
Hence, we have started this initiative to aware more and more people about the risks of driving carelessly. At the same time, we also want to make sure that those people, who are not so responsible towards their wellbeing and that of others on the road while driving, get necessary help to understand the impact of their reckless actions.
On our “About Us” section, you will learn about our past road safety programs and how we try to spread awareness among all. You will get clear insight of how sober driving helps in keeping everyone safe and how you can track drivers under influence and prevent your loved ones from driving in unstable state.
For joining us in our initiatives, attending our awareness programs, requesting for organizing one in your locality and all the necessary road safety tips, you are free to give us a call or send a mail by filling up the contact form below. We are always open for new suggestions too.